90th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (Mecz)
APO 260 U.S. Army
Subject: After Action Report
TO Commanding General 10th Armored Division APO 260 U.S. Array
Attn: Adjutant General)
010001 Mar 45 to 012400 Mar 45
C/Reconnaissance screen along SAAR and Moselle rivers between MERTERT and maintained D Tr, plus 1 Plat Co F attached, continued to maintain contact and patrol the area between the 376 RCT and elements 94th Div attacking to north and north-east.
Tr C being relieved by Tr A commencing 1600. 1 Plat Tr 0 Reld, and moving to OBEREMMEL prepared for committment in the zone between 376 RCT and 10th AD. Tr C reinforced with 2-Plats of Tr E. E Tr (-) supporting A and B Trs from in vicinity of FELLERICH. C Battery, 275th FA Bn firing in direct support of Squad.
020001 Mar 45 to 022400 Mar 45
Tr A (plus 1 Plat Co F ) maintained C/Reconnaissance screen along MOSELLE River from OBERBILLIG (1124) to the confluence of SAAR and MOSELLE rivers. CP moved to FELLERICH (1121)
Tr B maintained screen along W bank of SAAR River from WILTINGEN (170185) to confluence of SAAR and Moselle rivers. Area on east bank of SAAR River cleared by elements 376 RCT during day. B Tr remaining in position during night prepared for movement across SAAR River on order.
Tr C (2 Plats E Tr attached) crossed SAAR River at SAARBURG at 0700 and moved to KRETTNICH (210205). Plats moved north to MOSELLE River. Patrolling R lines from MERSLICH (180241 = position of KONZ-KARTHAUS) to TRIER during night 2 - 3 March,
Tr D maintained contact with 276th RCT during day. 2 Plats moved into KONZ (165227) dismounted at 0900. Vehicles moved into town at 1600 after anti-tank ditches had been bridged. 1 Plat Co f attached Tr D. Tr outposting R line from confluence to MERZLICH during night 2-3 March.
E Tr (less 2 Plats attached Tr C) continued to support Tr A from positions at FELLERICH.
Co F (-2 Plats) remained at MANNEBACH (113157).
03001 Mar 45 to 032400 Mar 45
Tr A continued to maintain C/reconnaissance screen in its assigned zone, B,E,F, and Hq Tr crossed SAAR River at SAARBURG bridge at 0700 moved to FEYEN and D Trs assembled FEYEN prior to 1200.
3rd Plat Tr c departed on mission at 1500 to determine condition bridge at 244348 over KYLL River (south west of EHRANG) and to investigate possible fords ord suitable bridge sites in vicinity. Fire from _____ in on high ground north west of bridge forced Plat to await darkness to continue mission.
1 Plat Tr B departed on mission 1600 to Pr___ condition airfield south W TRIER. Report attached hereto.
1 Plat Tr B temporarily assigned to MP Plat to assist in police of TRIER. Plats reported 1815.
Plat Tr C assisting in escort of PW's to rear during the day, re-joined Tr at 1840.
03200 Mar 45 to 042000 Mar 45
Tr A continued. to maintain C/Reconnaissance screen in assigned zone. Patrol contacted 2nd Bn, 376 at 1720.
Tr B patrol gained contact with elements A Tr, 2nd Cav Reconnaissance Squad at IGEL (L145240) at 1700.
Tr C - rest and rehabilitation. Prepared to relieve Tr D 0900 5 Mar. Tr D relieved elements CCB in bridgehead area. Relief completed 0245. 1 Plat Co C, 609th TD Bn attached.
E Tr prepared to support Tr D on call.
Co F - Rest and Rehabilitation.
2000 4 Mar 45 to 2000 5 Mar 45
Tr A continued C/reconnaissance screen in its sector. Tr B (-1 Plat, plus 1 Plat Co F) relieved Tr D on bridgehead over MOSELLE River at TRIER at 0900, 1 Plat preforming MP duty in TRIER.
C Tr: Remained on alert for committment on order of CCB.
D Tr: 2 Plats (plus 1 Plat Co F) moved out 1300 to reconnoitre KYLL R between L2336 (about 5,000 feet west of EHRANG) and DAUFENBACH (L2142) to determine:
1. Nature R line between these two points.
2. condition of bridges across river
3. Location of suitable fords of bridge site.
4. Recommended route to such ford or bridge site.
5. Activity friendly units in Zone
Report attached hereto.
E Tr: Remained FEYEN, prepared support Tr B on call.
F CO: 1 Plat attached Tr D, 1 Plat attached Tr B.
052000 Mar 45 to 062000 Mar 45
Maintained guard Moselle River Bridge at TRIER.
062000 Mar 45 to 072000
Tr B continued bridge guard at TRIER. Tr A attached CCA 1100, moved out on mission to NE at 1400.
072000 Mar 45 to 082000 Mar 45
Tr B moved out 1840 on mission to NE. Remainding area of south remaind alert for movement on Div 0rder.
082000 Mar 45 to 092000 Mar 45
B Tr moved from Euren (L7199288) 0805.
BEKOND (L330393) cleaned of enemy at 1810. All Plats establishing C/Reconnaissance screen in zone at close of period.
C Tr reverted Squad contral at 1245, closed at Hetzerath 1725.
Plats moving out to estimated C/Reconnaissance screen along the SALM River between RIEVENICH and the MOSELLE River at the close of period. Tied in with C Co, 61st AIB at RIEVENICH.
D Tr remained at FEyEN prepared to move out on Squad 0rder.
E Tr in firing position in vicinity of 293392 (between SCHWEICH and FÖHREN) prepared to displace forward to support C Tr in its zone.
F Co. Remained at FEYEN. Attached 417th RCT at 1730. Moved out on mission 1815.
092000 Mar 45 to 102000 Mar 45 A Tr
Remained attached to CCA.
A Tr: Established C/Reconnaissance screen along MOSELLE River from vicinity of 345383 (recent Trier golfing site) to SCHWEICH. Captured ENSCH, SCHLEICH, PÖLICH, MEHRING, LONGEN, LÖRSCH.
Attached Reserve Command at close of period.
C Tr: Established C/Reconnaissance screen along SALM River. Plats reconnaissance in zone east of SALM River. KLÜSSERATH cleared of enemy at 1715. Attached CCB at close of period.
D Tr: Remained at FEYEN. Ordered to move to HETZERATH at close of period.
E Tr: Fired four missions in support of Tr B.
F Co: Remained attached 417th Inf Regt as Regimental Reserve.
Sq (-) with 2nd Bn 417th Inf attached constitute Division Reserve
102000 Mar 112000 Mar 45
A Tr: attached CCA.
B Tr: Released attachment Reserve Command 0700.
Cleared remainder of pocket.
Maintained C/Reconnaissance screen along Moselle River in zone.
Coordinated with Tr B, 2nd Cav. Prepared to be relieved by 2nd Squad (B Tr) on Squad order.
C Tr: Reverted to Squad control 1800. Established C/Reconnaissance along MOSELLE R.
D Tr: Moved from FEYEN 102000. Closed HETZERATH 0450. Moved out at 1230 to establish screen in zone. At close of period were working to MOSELLE R.
E Tr: Fired six missions in support of B Tr. 2 Plats attached D Tr.
F CO: Released from Atchmt 417th Inf Regt at 2400. Directed to move to FEYEN.
2nd Bn, 417th Inf Regt: Remained at QUINT. Released Atchmt 1200.
112000 Mar 45 to 122000 Mar 45
A Tr: Reverted to Squad control 120600 121300. Releived by 385 Inf Regt. Closed FEYEN at 2000.
B Tr: Continued C/Reconnaissance screen in Z. 120700. Closed in FEYEN 1730.
C Tr: Continued C/Reconnaissance screen in Z. Inf Regt and 2nd Cav. Closed in FEYEN 2000.
D Tr: Continued C/Reconnaissance screen in Z. Inf Regt and 2nd Cav. Closed in FEYEN 2000.
E Tr: 2 Plats attached D Tr. Fired six missions in support. Closed in FEYEN 2000.
F Co: Remained in FEYEN.
122000 Mar 45 to 132000 Mar 45
Tr A attached CCA, Tr C attached CCB in place effective 1200. Squad engaged intensive maintenance and resupply in prepartation for coming operations.
132000 Ehr 45 to 142000 Mar 45
Continued intensive maintenance, rehabilitation in prepartation for future offensive operations.
142000 Mar 45 to 152000 Uhr 45
Continued maintenance and resupply; Prepared for committment on Div 0rder.
152000 Mar 45 to 162000 Mar 45
Remained alert for movement and committment on Div 0rder.
162000 Mar 45 to 172000 Mar 45
Sq (- A and C Trs) moved out from TRIER AT 1000 to NUNKIRCHEN (L3599). Squad closed at 1400. B Tr initiated reconnaissance to PRIMS R; located two fords. Ford at 371004 found suitable, but approaches poor. 2nd Plat Tr B crossed ford under MG fire from east bank of river; moved south and engaged in fire right in north end of BÜSCHELD (L373001). Plat moved and located road through woods to E. Plat went through woods to ALTLAND (1408016) with all guns firing. 36 PWs rounded up of ALTLAND. Remainder of Tr B crossed over PRIES R by 1900 to establish bridgehead for lst Bn 319 Inf and remainder of Squad. Ford being repaired at end of period to pass remainder of Squad over. Expect to cross before daylight and continue to east.
172000 Mar 45 to 182000 Mar 45
Ford at 371004 improved and entire Squad (-A and C Trs attached to CCA and CCB respectively) crossed over PRIMS R by 0530.
Outposts of Tr B at ALTLAND (L409017) and DÖRSDORF (L402014) passed through by TF CHERRY at 0400.
Sq (-) moved to HASBORN (L452994) upon crossing PRIMS R.
D Tr moved to south and east to locate crossings of stream to east cleared out DÖRSDORF (L440975), STEINBACH (435960), and BERGWEILER (453975) and SOTZWEILER (458964). Troop stopped at MARPINGEN (506950) by estimated Bn Inf, in town and on high ground east of town at 1500. Mixed column of 40 vehicles mostly ambulances, observed leaving town to east at same time. Troop contained enemy by fire and observation, and begun Reconnaissance to south for bypass. Could not enter BERSCHWEILER (490930) at 1730 because of Arty fire. Reconnaissance for bypass not completed at close of period. Believe enemy withdrawing to east from MARPINGEN: troop (reinf) jumped off on attack of town to clear way to east at 1935. Troop B prepared to pass through D Tr and continue to BLIES R at daylight 19 Mar.
182000 Mar. 45 to 192000 Mar 45
Sq (-A and C Trs) jumped off at 0600 from ALSWEILER (5197), to locate crossings of BLIES R between ST. WENDEL (5896) and OTTWEILER (5890).
Co F (Plus 2 PlatsTr E) attacked south along high ground to secure road net and allow Tr B to peel off to the east on a broad front. Enemy taken by surprise, and movement was entirely successful.
Tr B .fanned out to E, secured 4 crossings of BLIES River at OBERLINXWEILER (5795), NIEDERLINXWEILER, and OTTWEILER by 0900.
Towns of RHEINSTRASSE, (5395), UREXWEILER (5293), MAINZWEILER (5591), REMMESWEILER (5595), NIEDERLINXWEILER (5893) taken and cleared of enemy.
D Tr relieved 2nd AND 3rd Plats Tr B on NIEDERLINXWEILER Bridge; Plats continued Reconnaissance to E, stopped by heavy resistance at FÜRTH AND DÖRRENBACH at 1200.
Reserve command crossed over NIEDERLINXWEILER bridge and continued to east at 1230. 1 Bn 104th Inf also crossed over and passed through Reconnaissance Plats at FÜRTH and DÖRRENBACH by 1700.
1 Plat Tr B, 1 Plat Tr D and 1 Plat Co F driven from OTTWEILER bridge at 1400 by enemy C/Atk.
lst Bn, 104th Inf Regt (26 Div) moved up at 1430 to attack and secure town.
192000 Mar 45 to 202000 Mar 45
Sq marched 0400 to LANDSTUHL (Q880903) prepared to move south and then east on Div right flank. Contact made with TF CHERRY in vicinity of KAISERSLAUTERN and Troops moved out on mission 1330.
Tr D moved to MÖLSCHBACH where some resistance was encountered. Town taken at 1630, 12 enemy killed, unknown number captured.
B Tr moved south to HORBACH where it encountered large enemy column of trucks, horsedrawn vehicles, and men streaming to the east. 4 vehicles knocked out, unknown number of enemy killed and wounded. Troop moving to DANSENBERG (Q995895) at close of period. Tr C rejoined Squad at LANDSTUHL at 1400.
202000 Mar 45 to 222000 Mar 45
At close of period 21 Mar, Squad (-A Tr) was in the woods 600 yards W of ST. MARTIN, having moved during the day from vicinity of LANDSTUHL; clearing all towns along the route and capturing over 400 PW's. The operation for the period was one of pursuit of a retreating column located by Tr B on 20 Mar in vicinity of HOhDORF. Rear guard action stiffened in front of ST MARTIN and progress through the forest road virtually ceased with the coming of darkness.
21 March - Resistance was from bazooka teams and dug infantry. At 0615, 22 March, Squad attacked and succeeded in taking ST MARTIN by 0900. Following reorganization reconnaissance was sent to N, E, and S. Contact was made with elements on right at LANDAU and on the left at NEUSTADT.
222000 Mar 45 to 232000 Mar 45
Reconnaissance sent to North, South, and east during day. Contact made with friendly elements at Neustadt, Duttweiler, Altdorf and Landau. Reconnaissance extended as far east as BÖBINGEN. Disclosed BÖBINGEN clear of enemy 1200.
Troop C moved out 1700 on new mission of gaining and maintaining contact with 12th Armd Div on the left and CCA of 10th Armd Div on the right, both units attacking South.
Contact with CCR of 12 Armd Div effected at 1800 at Freimersheim. Forward elements of CCR reported at 372724 and 420728. Contact with CCA of 10th Armd Div made at 1730 vicinity HOCHSTÄDT.
232000 Mar 45 to 242000 Mar 45
Sq (-A) Tr) on mission of protecting Div L Flank and maintaining contact 12th Arm?d Div on the east. Tr C had established contact with CCR, 12th AD and 92nd Cav in vicinity of Freimersheim 23 Mar 1800, and was moving forward into assigned zone when Squad mission terminated 24 Mar 1100. Squad ordered to halt in place prepared to move into assembly area.
242000 Mar 45 to 252000 Mar 45
Tr A closed St. Martin 0950. Tr C closed St. Martin 1000. Squad engaged intensive maintenance and resupply.
252000 Mar 45 to 262000 Mar 45
Squad continued intensive maintenance rehabilitation and resupply.
262000 Mar 45 to 272000 Mar
Squad continued extensive maintenance, rehabilitation, and resupply.
272000 Mar 45 to 282400 Mar 45
Squad moved from Edenkoben at 1330, crossed RHINE River, and went into assembly area at SCHÖNAU (abt 5 miles north east of HEIDELBERG). Closed Schönau 2030, prepared to move out on Div mission at daylight 29 Mar.
290001 Mar 45 292400 Mar 45
Squad moved from Schönau (M536346 = coordinates don?t fit) at 0530 on mission to reconnoitre south to Neckar R, seized and held any bridges found intact. Trs C and D, each reinforced with 1 Plat Co F and 1 Plat E, leading; Tr B with Trs E (-) and F (-) in Squad Res with Squad Hq at FLAK Kaserne.
Trs moved forward against moderate opposition consisting mainly of defended mine fields, rood blocks, abbatis, and small arms fire.
Elements Tr D reached river in vicinity of 840950 (near HIRSCHHORN on the NECKAR) at 1230, found no crossing, and were unable to move to the right or left. Retraced route to north and initiated reconnaissance to find another route to river.
Trs C and D ordered to halt in place at 1915 prepared to continue east at daylight pending change in mission.
300001 Mar 45 to 302400 Mar 45
D Tr moved out from Beerfelden (M8908) on mission of reconnaissance to Eberbach (M9096). Passed through elements 12th AD in vicinity of Beerfelden 0800 and proceeded south. Took GAMMELSBACH at 1000 and continue spitj. 13 PW's picked up by 1130. Troop stopped by road block south of Gammelsbach 1030. Road block reduced by 1130 and Tr continued south. At approx 1140 6-8 flak guns opened up from hills south of NECKAR R.
One peep and one assualt gun knocked out in vicinity of 889970. Flak positions taken under fire by four of our assualt guns in position south of GAMMELSBACH. One enemy command car south of river knocked out by our tank fire.
C Tr in vicinity of ZIEGELHAUSEN (R7491 = near SCHLIERBACH) at daylight moving to bridge over Neckar R. at Kleingemünd (7789). Bridge found blown 1430. Tr moving to join remainder of Squad of GAMMELSBACH at close of period.
Sq Hq, B Tr, E Tr (-2 Plats), and F Co (-2Plats) moved from FLAK Kaserne at 0530 to join Tr D and continue on mission south to HEILBRONN. Road blocks and inaccessable areas reported by Tr D, coupled with poor road net in zone directly to E, necessitated movement initially to north then east to Beerfelden to give Squad suitable road net to south in Z. Squad Hq closed in GAMMELSBACH 1430.
When D Tr was stopped along Neckar R. north Tr was sent on Reconnaissance to south east to locate a bypass. No roads in zone were located except for one to the east of GAMMELSBACH. This road, however, was double banked with vehicles from 12th AD, blocked by defended road block in vicinity of 947005. Cross country movement into zone between 12th AD and point at which D Tr was stopped resp. was made impossible by railroad embankment, stream, and sheer bluff.
Sq will move to south when route is obtained.
310001 Mar 45 to 312400 Mar 45
Short1y after daylight road south in vicinity of 948005 which was blocked by elements 12th AD and 101 Cav Gp during night, cleared up.
Band D Trs passed through and moved to south east. Bridge at Eberbach checked by Tr D and found blown. D Tr continued south, took town of Schollbrunn after killing 2 enemy and capturing 7. Reconnaissance continued to south. 30 enemy encountered in woods outside Neckergerach. Approx 60 enemy located in vicinity of REICHENBUCH. Reconnaissance to Nüstenbach revealed approx 30 enemy there and one Mark IV Tank.
B Tr took the town of WEISBACH, continued south and took LOHRBACH. Leading elements Reserve Command continued to vicinity of LOHRBACH.
Leading elements CCR continued south but were stopped at RJ030868 (?). Remaining elements CCR took route further to east located by Tr B. enemy resistance encountered at DALLAU. Situation not entirely cleared up in that vicinity at close of period.
Tr C (reinf with 2 Plats Tr E, 1 Plat Co F ) moved out from STRÜMPFELBRUNN at 1500, moving east to find route for Squad around resistance holding up our elements and CCR as indicated above. Resistance was encountered at MACKENTHAL (?), consisting of 75mm anti-tank gun and approximately 15 men. One of our armored cars knocked out. Anti-tank gun neutralized and town taken by 1730. Reconnaissance to east revealed enemy in unknown strength held town of RITTERSBACH. Situation there not fully developed at close of period.
Richard P. Scott
Major Cavalry