10th Armored Division
G-2 Journal
17 March 1945
17 | G-2 | G-3 | 0140 |
| 21 | 218th RCT reports movement of enemy troops from Weiskirchen to Steinburg. Indicates an withdrawing to NE. Hot rd reported open to ¼ Ton travel. Signed 0031A. PW reported estimated 200 enemy vic woods L322072 and 200 enemy N Weiskirchen L335072. Signed 162200A. |
17 | G-2 | G-3 | 0220 |
| 22 | 318th RCT reports: Reconnaissance reports 60 enemy entering town CP 60 (Steinburg) coming from SW, indicating a withdrawal from CP 47 (Weiskirchen). Reconnaissance substantiates PW statement of message 21. |
17 | G-2 | XX Corps | 0230 |
| 23 | 80th Inf Div captured FO of 774 Regt dated 16 Mar which indicates that when American troops reach 774 positions the Regimental HQ and maintenance section, including ordnance and engineers were to withdraw 14 km and assemble vic L4500. |
17 | G-2 | XX Corps | 230 |
| 24 | 4th Armd Div identified elms 198 Inf Div vic L9556 16 Mar. PW states Div arrived 16 Mar from Karlsruhe. |
17 | G-2 | XX Corps | 315 |
| Requested figure on enemy dead and wounded. Est 100 - 75 |
17 | G-2 | XX Corps | 645 |
| 25 | 94th Div reports: PW from 2nd Mountain Div states that 15 Mar 1600A part of LXXXII Corps CP, incl. commanding general and G-3, were in Mariahutte L4510. On morning of 16 Mar G-3 was at Oberlostern L4108 and G-1, G-2 and CG were in a house vic Steinberg L2608. 26th Div reports: PW from 38 SS PGR states a continuous entrenchment system partially completed and camouflaged bing built along the edge of woods Rathen L4106 to hill L403045 to Waldweiler L408035 to woods at L411027. 80th Div report: No arty fire all night. enemy activity in 80th and 26th Div sectors very light. Patrol encountered roadblock at Q338997 heavily defended by MG. |
17 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 730 |
| ISUM #138: Terrain continued to be a very difficult obstacle. Mortar and small arms fire light. Defensive road blocks, craters and demolitions as well as pillboxes encountered. Tanks and AT employed as artillery; mines encountered. |
17 | G-2 | XX Corps | 820 |
| requested info on 100 plus RR cars reported yesterday in Nonnweiler L4512 by Tac/R, whether they had been captured and if so, the amount and types of material with which they were loaded. Capt Mabry was told that we will check and report back later. |
17 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 850 |
| Capt Dee phoned re possible capture of RR Cars at Nonnweiler L4512. No reports have been received here as yet. Will advise immediately any information on it. |
17 | G-2 | CCR | 905 |
| Capt Finch phone regarding maps. Stated Liaison O understood maps were for A and B only. Maj Rawley stated there were maps for CCR and for Liaison O to get them. |
17 | G-2 | CCB | 1015 |
| 26 | PW states 3 companies of SS troops moved through Hermeskeil, also enemy armored vehicle on morning 16 March. |
17 | G-2 | CCB | 1040 |
| 27 | TF Riley reports road bridge over railroad out at L485117. Elms could not find by-pass. No resistance reported. |
17 | G-2 | CCB | 1100 |
| 28 | Fwd elms CCA encountering no enemy resistance except blown bridges and road craters. |
17 | G-2 | CCB | 1135 |
| 29 | Undefended road block of 300 feet of ABATIS, east of bridge at 456179 |
17 | G-2 | CCA | 1135 |
| 30 | TFC reports enemy tank withdrew into town F025 L012. 2 tanks seen F110 L0C7. 8 Pw taken this cvic 1030A |
17 | G-2 | CCB | 1140 |
| 31 | TF Richardson has cleared force of one platoon tanks and one platoon infantry on road 4317[1] to 437150 to 443124. When this mission is complete TF will proceed from 432177 along this route. Thereafter TF will follow TF Riley. Signed 1036. |
17 | G-2 |
| 1300 |
| 10th Armd Div CP departed Trier, Germany |
17 | G-2 |
| 1700 |
| 10th Armd Div CP arrived Mitlosheim, Germany |
17 | G-2 | CG Tank |
| 1130 | 32 | PW reports troop concentration 528214 (Börfink) - investigating. Estimated 500 enemies. |
17 | G-2 | CCA |
| 1215 | 33 | PWs identified as PI Bn 82, State Bn strenght 3 days ago was 188. 3 days ago 2 companies SS troops with estimate strength 50 men per company in woods vic Morscholz. One PW captured from Volkssturm Morscholz. |
17 | G-2 | CCA |
| 1235 | 34 | Bridge reported blown our sector at L387036[2] |
17 | G-2 | CCB |
| 1135 | 35 | PW states concentration of 500 enemy to be at 528124. RJ at 456245 reported mined. |
17 | G-2 | CCB |
| 1210 | 36 | PW state mine field in Damflos 454198 |
17 | G-2 | CCA |
| 1235 | 37 | Bridge reported blown our sector at L387036, L394035; L308045. Small minefield vic L394069 |
17 | G-2 | CCA |
| 1255 | 38 | TFC receiving fire at vic F140 L015 from south and SE. Enemy has blown ammo dump in town across river 1155A |
17 | G-2 | CCA |
| 1305 | 39 | PW say 60 enemy of 6 SS Mtn Div fled east from Waldholzbach 16 March. Say roads and towns from Nunkirchen to Wadern 3804 are un-occupied as of last night. |
17 | G-2 | CCB |
| 1315 | 40 | Light arty fire falling at 468175, coming from 487184 at 1200A |
17 | G-2 | 90 Cav |
| 1403 | 41 | small arm fire from 362996. Took 5 PW. Mortoar vic 365996 |
17 | G-2 | CCA |
| 1410 | 42 | Civilian reports 9 tanks moved from Scheiden toward Mitlosheim 15 Mar 1830A, estimated to be Mark IV; also 4 cal. 150 mm arty pieces same vic 16 March 1600A |
17 | G-2 | Div Arty | 1700 | 1425 | 1 | Long enemy column headed East at 555097. Another headed SE to RR at 56075. Request air. |
17 | G-2 | CCA | 1700 | 1530 | 2 | SS Div Goetz Von Berlichingen reportet vic Bitche by PW from 6 SS Mtn. He knows that they have been there for 3 weeks. All Bns 6 SS on foot except trains and HQ. |
17 | G-2 | CCA | 1705 | 1540 | 3 | AT gun located Lockweiler 1500A |
17 | G-2 | 90 Cav | 1710 | 1600 | 4 | Ford 378017. Gravel bottom road beyond unsuitable for medium tanks. Bridge at 371004 blown. Ford to right of bridge. Ford will take medium tanks. Investigating area beyond ford. |
17 | G-2 | 90 Cav | 1712 | 1605 | 5 | bridge at 361962 and bridge at 379978 - both blown |
17 | XX Corps | G-2 |
| 1630 |
| Enemy resistance our zone consists of light small arm fire, occasionaly arty and some direct fire. Engr obstacles offer greatest hindrance to our rapid advance. |
17 | G-2 | CCB | 1715 |
| 6 | PW states 600 box mines vic L325725. Long clm, est 4 kms of civilians, military and M/T headed E from Walhausen L5607 extending beyond Wolfersweiler L1907 at 1430A |
17 | G-2 | CCB | 1718 |
| 7 | Air OP reports receiving AA from 5509 and 5112 at 1640A |
17 | G-2 | 90 Cav | 1745 |
| 8 | Bridge at F089 R022 blown. enemy dug in on E bank of Ratthat Point. Considerable enemy activity observe in Limbach. 3 arty pieces dug in at 400978. Our arty laying in. |
17 | G-2 | CCB | 1745 |
| 9 | Friendly air having a field day on large concentrations of vehicles vic 5907 to 5909 to 6009 to 6007, and on target estimated as Div of arty at 5519 to 5722 on SE slope of ridghe. |
17 | G-2 | CCB | 1745 |
| 10 | Entire trains of 137 Regt captured vic 392126 by our Surgeon and MG Officer at 1500A, assisted by one member of IPW team. |
17 | CCA | G-2 |
| 1747 |
| Rpt est PW, enemy veh destroyed and captured today. |
17 | CCB | G-2 |
| 1747 |
| Rpt est PW, enemy veh destroyed and captured today. |
17 | G-2 | XX Corps | 2010 |
| Lt Baum called re loudspeaker unit; said he would talk to Col Curtis to see if he could arrange to send another PA system to 80th Inf Div, which would permit us to keep the one we have for the present operation. Further stated that if we do not hear from him to the contrary, consider the matter settled. |
17 | G-2 | 318 Rct | 2015 |
| 11 | PW Identifications: Festungs Bau Bn 999; RR Bau Bn 2/83; III Bn, 256 Arty Regt; 1 Kraftwagen Trupp, 503 Bn; 5 Kraftwagen Trupp, 1021 Bn; 614 Supply Bn; 256 Sig Bn; 5 Volkssturm ? (5 Co, Volkssturm Bn ?) |
17 | G-2 | CCA | 2055 |
| 12 | Add to vehicles destroyed 3 tanks, model undetermined. |
17 | G-2 | CCA | 2055 |
| 13 | Mayor of Wadern states town was CP 82d Army Corps (CG - Gen Hahn) from 3 Dec to 27 Feb. Left Wadern for Lockweiler. Suggest MI personnel interrogate mayor. |
17 | G-2 | CCA | 2055 |
| 14 | Est PW today: 350; est vehicles destroyed: 100 plus Bn of arty plus undetermined number horse drawn vehicles. TFC receiving direkt 88mm fire and mortar on forward elements at 1825A |
17 | G-2 | CCA | 2110 |
| 16 | PW today: 37; enemy dead: 12; enemy wounded: 18. Opposition today mostly small arm and MG fire, arty and mortar negligible. |
17 | G-2 | CCA | 2155 |
| 17 | TFH reports C/atk at 447083 (Kastel) with 1 Plat tanks repulsed at 1733. 3 enemy tks knocked out. |
17 | G-2 | 90 Cav | 2155 |
| 18 | 2d Plat FAH at F090 L07 engaged in fire fight. enemy dug in at 200405 to E of this point - strength undetermined |
17 | G-2 | CCB | 2210 |
| 19 | PW states he believes 83d Nebelwerfer was wiped out today. Claims all Nebelwerfes and weapons were destroyed by our fire. Regt was via MUHLE. House in Türkismühle L5509 booby trapped. Air again reports approx 1000 M/T vic Walhausen L5607. |
17 | G-2 | 94 Div | 2210 | 1900 | 20 | Oberlöstern L4108 now cleared of en. Br to Kostenbach L4108 is blown. Captured 14 PW. 2 enemy tks and one AA gun in the action on Oberlöstern (recd by TWX) |
17 | G-2 | Lt Baum | 2235 |
| I am going to send you a PA man tomorrow who has worked with armor; has 1½ ton truck and is considered more mobile. When he arrives will you please send other unit back to the 80th Inf Div. |
17 | CCA | G-2 |
| 2240 |
| Have loudspeaker vehicle and crew report Div CP by 180900A Mar 45 |
17 | G-2 | G-3 | 2307 | 2105 | 21 | First Plat Troop b at Altland L408016; 2d and 3d at L401015. Woods from ford to these posns not cleared. 36 PW taken. Plats receiving ligth arty fire (msg from 90 Cav) |
17 | G-2 | CCA | 2350 | 2300 | 22 | The 719th Heavy AT Bn GHQ has been identified in oir zone. 7 PW taken today are from AA plat atchd to above unit. T/C strength of 719th is 7 or 8 Mark V tks per Co; 3 Cos in Bn not up to //O at present. |
17 | G-2 | 90 Cav | 2350 | 2140 | 23 | Officer PW taken at L399010 from arty Regt, 416th Inf Div. PW states guns in position in grid square 4499. |